
With a quote from Enzo Maiorano, co-founder and creative director of Archiproducts:
“Every day, together, we present, narrate, and propose design to the world’s small and large projects, striving to cultivate one essential attitude: recognizing excellence. For this reason, I want to thank all our jurors, naming a few: OMA, Mecanoo, Studio Libeskind, Norm Architects, Stefano Boeri Interiors, Hector Esrawe, Mesura Studio, Pitsou Kedem, Apollo Architects, Hannes Peer, Gabriele Chiave, and Salotto di New York, as well as all the jurors of the Sustainability Award, including Carlo Ratti and Mario Cucinella” we present the new landscape of contemporary design showcased at Superstudio Più on November 15, alongside the awards ceremony for the winners of the Archiproducts Design Awards 2024.


Learning the art of events and especially how to organize the most iconic event of Milan Design Week from which the phenomenon of Fuorisalone spread throughout the city? With the “Superstudio Academy” module included in LUM University's Art and Design Management program, it is now possible to enter the design-in-the-city system, learn the mechanisms, actively participate in the preparation of the upcoming Superdesign Show 2025, carving out its secrets. From study to work, the gap is bridged.


Milan becomes the hub of art and culture with the return of (un)fair, the non-fair fair of contemporary art, which will take place at Superstudio Maxi from March 1st to 3rd. In its third edition, the event celebrates the theme of desire and the intimate human aspiration to satisfy needs and pleasures. The promotional campaign by Rooy Charlie Lana indeed stages the theme of identity, the body as a performative act, and hidden desires. Waiting for visitors are 60 galleries with works ranging from the concept of anti-desire to the unknown with Ilaria Fasoli. Among talks, workshops, and experimental projects, there are also bold adults-only initiatives.



Only three months, less than 90 days, a whiff as all those involved in the design world, from manufacturers, to designers, to agencies, to outfitters, and on and on zigzagged.
April's Milano Design Week coincides with the 40th anniversary of the founding of Superstudio Group in Milan (1983). This is a special edition alongside the return to the normalcy of life (finally) with pandemic in recess, open travel and-hopefully-peace instead of war. Taking back the threads of production, life-style, home and the objects around us requires energy, imagination, invention, challenges and a new way of understanding technology and sustainability. Superstudio is ready: with panorama of international proposals, with wow installations that take us into the future, with the best of our signature craftsmanship, with objects that amaze, exhibitions that intrigue, with big names that give us prestige and young people who open unknown horizons.
The theme of the year for Superdesign Show 2023? INSPIRATION INNOVATION IMAGINATION.Three words that tell all that is creativity, where no goal is too far away. Superstudio, as always, is waiting for you to surprise, inform, enchant, and transform the trip to the Land of Design into a wonderful cultural entrepreneurial and business adventure together.

SUPERDESIGN SHOW 2023 - at SUPERSTUDIO PIU' - VIA TORTONA 27 - MILAN 20144 - TEL+3902422501 - APRIL 17-23.
For info or last-minute participation: 
For communication:


Art and politics together in Dubai. It’s not often that these issues meet. However, thanks to an Italian art dealer, an art enthusiast politician, a minister interested beyond official commitments and some "expats", Oblong, the most beautiful gallery in the Emirate, was a very promising visit’s stage.

The prestigious Oblong, our reference art gallery in Dubai, a cultural bridge between West and the Middle East, exclusive representative on site of great Italian and international artists, including "our" Flavio Lucchini, received the Minister Di Maio visiting Dubai and the Italian pavilion in progress at Expo 2020/2021 which will open in October...


Superstudio Group's editorial activity is a small but important area complementing all the group's activities. Among books, catalogues and artist notebooks related to our world and other publications for third parties, the catalog edited or curated by our creative team is often enriched. Original, unusual, limited edition volumes ranging from art, image, design, creativity, not easy to find, except through our direct supply. Rare or off-the-print editions that we have decided to reserve for our community of beauty lovers. After the first others will follow.

We are pleased to announce we’ve opened a showcase on where DESIGN SUPER SHOW- 2000/2021 evolution and mise-en-scène of design at Superstudio in Milan...


Sanitation includes all those operations necessary to make an environment healthy for people's lives, re-establishing a suitable climate in terms of temperature, ventilation and humidity. Far infrared heating system reduces the risk of viral diseases and allergies by lowering the presence of bacteria, spores, viruses, cutaneous fungi, mold, germs and parasites. Olmar 1957 now combines these requirements relying on research, technology and design, with the support of Giulio Cappellini.

With Olmar 1957, almost fifty years of experience in the heating world, a new chapter opens up for environments heating and sanitization.
An ingenious and sophisticated power supply system with far infrared rays, silver ion and air ozonation, in fact, allows these two different functions to be carried out with a single element that fits perfectly and smartly into classic or ultra-modern spaces.


After the newly launched Green Screen and for GoLive project, at Superstudio Più there's a “theater” on the way, created with an even more performing Ledwall which makes all kinds of events and production in favor of phygital communication possible. The new Superstudio Maxi is also getting ready with a Green Screen and a digital and television “theater” even larger and interacting with each other in real time. Superstudio's r/evolution continues...

As Incredible as it may seem, cinematic special effects have been experimented since the early 1900s through a double shot that can add spectacular backgrounds and performances in a seemingly normal scene. One hundred years later, with digital advent, the ability to recreate virtual worlds in which real people move has become a professional choice of photographers and directors...


Images fill our life. All around cities, landscapes, places we visit, faces of loved ones, those of strangers, screens and TV channels overflow, Facebook, Instagram... A photos kaleidoscope, to remember, capture moments, document facts, tell imaginative places and desires. As in shootings that for forty years photographers, agencies and prestigious brands set in Superstudio 13 spaces, the first hub dedicated to the image, with 13 photographic studios and numerous services. Today there is a great change in the air...

World has changed since 1983, year of Superstudio 13 foundation, a fashion and image citadel that quickly attracted great photography personalities: from the irreverent Oliviero Toscani who revolutionized the way of advertising, to Giovanni Gastel, photography magician that through face captured soul in suspended places...


Our daily updated @AT online magazine is also a monthly paper magazine with the most important digital news and some additions and previews.

Print A3 pages and you will have your monthly copy in the original format. Or collect your copy free of charge at Superstudio offices, in via Tortona 27, via Forcella 13 and via Moncucco 35, in Milan. In the archive you will find previous editions, available for printing.

Here you can find the Abstract of March/April @AT paper: we talk about





We are already in January and the year of magnificent twenty years of Superstudio Più is already over, sadly closed to events. From 2000 to 2020 time was spent in a breath, with the end of a year to forget. A special edition of our paper monthly @AT is available, with the wish to return to a "new normality" in 2021, with new events and hope.

 Here you can find January paper @AT Summary:






A historical partner of Superstudio, companion of many exhibitions, projects and adventures, and an extraordinary designer who presented the most creative, colorful, fun projects at our Temporary Museum and Superdesign Show: the winning partnership between Slide and Paola Navone strikes again, with a prestigious international award.

 For the third year in a row, the historic Lombard company, famous for its bright décor and rotational moulding, wins the Good Design Award which rewards excellence and innovation, organized by Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design with Metropolitan Arts Press.
This time the award goes to Ottocento tables collection by Paola Navone which thanks to Slide's know-how are able to combine classic industrial production with craftmanship. Every single piece with soft shapes has no-replicable black and white shades, which recall marble natural colors.


Flexibility, hospitality, users safeguards are elements that those who, like Superstudio, work in the field of events always take to heart and know they represent part of the success of any initiative and event.

In restrictions period we are going through, these aspects have become even more central and fundamental. Here's, then, a brief focus on all measures available in Superstudio spaces during every shooting, filming, remote talk that we are hosting these days:

- thermoscanner at the entrance to check body temperature.
- sanitation with ozone generator before and after each event...


Our updated daily online magazine @AT enhances the paper edition frequency and becomes monthly with the most important digital news and some additions and previews.

Collect your copy free of charge at Superstudio offices, in via Tortona 27, via Forcella 13 and soon in via Moncucco 35, in Milan. But you can also download the pdf in both Italian and English which you find in the library and A3 print it, the magazine actual size...


WHITE, the contemporary fashion show at Superstudio, promotes the first Fuorisalone of fashion with the events of Milan Loves Italy in collaboration with Interni magazine during Fashion Week. From September 24 to the 27 there will be the first nine events in Milan fashion multibrands together with independent designers and Italian brands.

The MILANO LOVES ITALY movement continues to grow, including, besides National Chamber of Fashion, CBI-The Best Shops, Best Showroom, also the newly formed Alined association, and NIAM Nazionale Italiana Agenti Moda (Italian National Fashion Agents).
To make Milan more vibrant and dynamic during the fashion week, came the idea of involving fashion multibrands and some design spaces to create a circuit of events and presentations to support Italian companies and producing in Italy. The project will be launched - together with WHITE - on Thursday 24 at 12.00 am in Tortona 27 Superstudio Più. The first nine events involving different stores between fashion and design are already scheduled for the September fashion week, from 23 to 27...


2021 starts off great bringing design and creativity back to the center of the scene. The Milan Design Week in April is also an opportunity for Superstudio to present new and exciting projects in the new venue Superstudio Maxi in via Moncucco, that joins the historic locations in via Forcella and via Tortona with their long-awaited projects "only the best" as always. 3 locations and 3 projects await exhibitors and visitors on a total area of about 22.000 square meters confirming Superstudio as the city’s largest and most innovative private hub. The selections for the participations are open, spaces available with multiple possibilities.


The first of the projects dedicated to female creativity including art, design, architecture and craftsmanship which will reach its peak during the April Design Week with a completely dedicated pavilion, starts in MyOwnGallery.

"Nelle Mani delle Donne" ("In Women's Hands") - a title that says it all - aims to investigate, lightly, carefully, with irony, with foresight, into the world of creativity and begins with two small but significant exhibitions in MyOwnGallery, the Superstudio gallery always open to challenges, trends, new languages. Established artists and architects and young creatives talk about themselves with their work and a talk in the evenings dedicated during the exhibition time...


The beautiful words that are accompanying the passing of Philippe Daverio, the multifaceted protagonist of the art world who left a mark in Milan, are not rhetorical or circumstantial. Daverio was truly unique, kind, encyclopedic, intelligent, versatile, empathetic, counter-current, helpful, open-minded, generous and all the qualities that we would like human beings to have. Superstudio joins with general regret. He has been with us many times, visiting exhibitions, attending events, holding talks, giving his contribution of knowledge. Another great figure of culture and art that we will miss, but we will not forget.


The restart after the lockdown makes you think about the fate that suddenly forces you to change direction and, often, life. Here we repropose an extraordinary story with an autobiographical book and film. That of Flavio Lucchini, president of Superstudio Group who, as Oliviero Toscani said "was the real creator of the birth of made in Italy".

It is difficult to imagine that that boy born in the Mantuan countryside, raised in the difficulties of the war and probably destined to be a farmer like the whole family - but with that unusual ability to know how to draw very well and to be passionate about art and architecture - could find his way in a completely different world, that of fashion, creating the most important newspapers and raising the most famous designers. The final goal of his long and varied path is Superstudio, founded a long time ago, in a certain sense the sum of his interests, after having been with equal success teacher art-director journalist editor entrepreneur and simultaneously, for the past thirty years, artist who investigates the mysteries of fashion in order to give it a sort of eternity...


The unmissable events that Ventura Projects realized in Milan during the Design Week will no longer be there. The Dutch studio that had discovered decentralized places such as Lambrate and the surroundings of the Central station with Nordic and avant-garde design closes.

The news arrived like lightning in a clear sky, on Friday 15th May, and left the world of Milan's design and Fuorisalone stunned. First excellent victim of the post-coronavirus, Margriet Vollenberg announced the closure of her temporary design project Ventura Projects which had brought a breath of news, of unexpected events, of discovery during the Milan Design Week. First to open to the public of architects and young creatives the transformation area of Lambrate and then brave to recover the Magazzini Recordati near the Central Station for design, thus drawing the attention of the Municipality and the Railways to the possibilities of those structures to be time abandoned.


Your ideas, your reflections are important and illuminating. We keep eyes open on innovation that touches fashion, art, design, photography, communication, technology, the environment, progress. We open the magazine to the collaboration of our readers for an extended panorama of the world of creativity and events told by "us", of which you, you, are part.

An infinite lockdown has blocked companies, projects, events, production, sociality, work, life itself. For long weeks only communication especially virtual  was opened, websites, social network, newspapers, blogs, posts, messenger, streams, twitter, zoom, meet, teams, skype, webinar, whatsup, youtube, tiktok, instagram, pinterest, and all those forms of human contact and information exchange that do not need physical presence...


The famous citadel of image in Milan reopens on May 4th wishing welcome back to fashion. In complete safety.  

It only took the coronavirus to stop the activities of Superstudio 13 photographic studios, for almost forty years pioneer and standard-bearer of fashion and professional photography  in Milan. An iconic place that has practically never stopped, hosting extraordinary shootings, photographer-stars and world-famous personalities in continuity. In his 13 studios, those that provided the impetus to the reconversion of via Tortona, from a street that hosted workers' houses of what was an industrial district, in a Fashion and Design District, the creativity of Milan has been meeting there since 1983 recalling in the area the most important fashion companies. After the forced lockdown everything is ready for the fateful May 4th when, finally, we'll start again...


We gladly resume here the manifesto of the important furniture industry, made in Italy flagship that like fashion, with the pandemic of coronavirus is in a dramatic situation and that needs quick and wise decisions of the Government. Furniture and design, together with fashion, are symbols of the country and the main actors of photographic, trade fair, cultural, communication and events activity of Superstudio. We join them in this appeal.

"Let's reopen Made in Italy": the manifesto of FederlegnoArredo

"Let's reopen Made in Italy": this is the title of the eight-point manifesto drawn up by FederlegnoArredo, published on Saturday 11th April in some of the main Italian newspapers.

With this appeal to the government the Federation, which represents wood and furniture industry, calls for the safety of workers to be safeguarded without compromising even more the survival of an excellence of our country. We will briefly look at these eight points of the Manifesto by FederlegnoArredo.

•  Plan and formalize the reopening date of the entire wood-furniture industry with all its Ateco codes to avoid losing orders and international relations that risk to favor, irremediably, competitors of other currently open countries such as Germany and France...