Flexibility, hospitality, users safeguards are elements that those who, like Superstudio, work in the field of events always take to heart and know they represent part of the success of any initiative and event.
In restrictions period we are going through, these aspects have become even more central and fundamental. Here's, then, a brief focus on all measures available in Superstudio spaces during every shooting, filming, remote talk that we are hosting these days:
- thermoscanner at the entrance to check body temperature.
- sanitation with ozone generator before and after each event...
In the large dance center that characterized the beginnings of Superstudio Più, a new possibility of temporary rentals for fashion, culture, smart-working, business opens up. There’s room for everyone in the divisible 700 square meters.
Showroom for fashion and design, studio for shooting and video, classroom for meetings workshops and classes of all kinds, venue for auditions and dance and theatre rehearsals, conference and BtoB presentations space, creative lab, exhibition area, lounge for parties dinners and events, editing room and all other short and medium term temporary needs today find a valuable address. Superstudio Più Dance Point, in via Tortona, has been for a long time the biggest and coolest space for dance in Milan, before joining the events circle that represent the location core business...
Dear customers, dear visitors, dear friends,
today, in the world, 3.9 billion people are under lock down and struggling with some form of restriction on their lives. In this suspended time, where everything seems immobile and nothing has certainty or definition, we are committed to imagine a future for the world of events and also for us. Many things will change, there will be different ways and uses and different way of living experiences: for this, for you (and for us) we will take the opportunity to review what our work represents to us. The damages of virus will impact our economies and it will take some time to return to normality. The key issue is to avoid new infections and to prevent the virus from spreading again and nullifying the efforts made. For the foreseeable future, this will be the priority of all societies in the world...