Beautiful is useful Once again this year we got some of the spaces floor repainted. The building’s original floor, that was in fact made by small industrial tiles, has been over the years renovated with a special industrial outdoor paint, that requires constant maintenance. Waiting to finally replace tile floor with a more modern resin - intervention planned within the next 12 months - we have given back uniformity to the luminous pearl grey floor. Furthermore, while working on the wiring on the ceiling, the now redundant 400 kg of electric cables have been removed, thus clearing out the spaces; now the area to install wiring in height is all available.
The band is coming! Since the creation of Superstudio Events, our first target was to increase the Internet connection as much as possi
ble, favouring the clients that chose our spaces. This has been a well-chosen intuition as the number of events with high technological content, doubled in just one year. The new Wi-Fi system is of the latest generation and gives extremely high performance. It gives the possibility to create personalised networks, to offer dedicated IP addresses to the client and, also very useful, to register users that connect online allowing to have a database of the visitors. In addition, the new basic optical fibre of 200 mbps, gives the possibility to upgrade up to 1.000 Mbps, upon request.
The new renovation The basement is full of surprises: in addition to a sound system of the latest generation with Pioneer 2000 console, a set of lights with movable heads and LED stands have been added, all completely customisable in regards to the colour and light intensity. In conclusion, the private party, company party can have the colour as one prefers, all you need to do is adjust the intensity you want relying on the experience of our staff to have unique and emotional events.
High resistance It is required by a high security standard like ours and we have finally done it and finished it. All the spaces have been completely repainted with highly resistant intumescent paint: the paint of the ceiling, walls and beams makes them fireproof as well as related melting (as to avoid the downfall that was the main cause of the Twin Towers collapse) even brighter: whites are visibly brighter and blacks are darker. The complete renovation of security signage closes the attentions to danger. This attention to security is a point of excellence, for us: if you don’t feel safe in the space you occupy you won’t feel at ease in creating your event.
The replacement of anti-panic handles have been done, for a greater security and compartmentalization of the main space from the rest of the building. With these latest improvements the exhibiting structure upgrades the level of security in the fire codes that is unlikely found private locations, like ours. We are proud of this!
Fiat lux A huge investment was necessary to renovate the light system in the Central Point and Art Point spaces, the most required ones, with efficient LED lights: it wasn’t only an aesthetic matter, the new lights consume 75% of electric consumption and double the brightness performance as well as to halve costs and maintenance. The new lights, with a 4000K color temperature, are suitable for fairs and events lighting allowing organisers to save on costs service (therefore without setting up the lights in height) and on set up schedule.