Posts in ‘BOOKS’

A human and professional story as exciting as a novel. It is that of Gisella Borioli Lucchini, journalist, creative, co-founder and president of Superstudio group. Her autobiography begins at the end of World War II and comes to the present day, touching the strings of feelings and commitment.


A tie that dates back to the 1960s unites Giorgio Armani and Flavio Lucchini when the former was a promising assistant at Nino Cerruti's Hitman and the latter already the art director who had created the most prestigious Italian fashion magazines from Amica to Vogue Italia to L'Uomo Vogue to which many others would follow. The recent book "Per Amore" to which "The King" gave the most important moments of his life and career were an opportunity for Lucchini to rethink this extraordinary friendship. A story that began in the glossy pages of his monthly magazines and continued with the physical proximity of Superstudio's first two hubs, Superstudio 13 and Superstudio Più, which frame the Armani Teatro and Armani Silos on Via Bergognone in Milan's Tortona Fashion & Design District. The memories of Armani, a reserved and rigorous person, start from his childhood and come to the present day, a unique example of how to build a planetary success without smearing.

Posted by: Giorgio Re

Roberto Monelli, the 1957 born architect, journalist, publicist and copywriter tells it in his latest book “Tortona Solari. Milan in un quartiere”, published by Mursia. The work, created in collaboration with the Museolab6 association, was recently presented at the BASE cultural center. We can speak of a real guide, designed to create attention and curiosity in the reader for an area that has undergone numerous changes, perhaps among the most interesting and incisive of those that Milan has experienced from over a century ago to today. Individual episodes that create a map: the author moves through areas, streets, from house number to house number with the care and interest of a historian, the precision of a topographer/cartographer, even of a detective. Data, facts, anecdotes abound, some well known, others almost unknown to most, but no less engaging or less thoroughly investigated.

Posted by: Giorgio Re

A new volume, published by Rizzoli for Mondadori Electa, tells the story of the "gardener of fashion" and, in truth, not only of fashion: the American Ken Scott, who has been an eclectic character, an all-round creative and artist, fashion designer, creator of fabrics for clothing as well as for furnishings, painter, gardener, even writer.Scott certainly anticipates flower power by at least fifteen years, in more sophisticated and exclusive expressions. He is a free and curious spirit, almost a "global" genius of our Renaissance. Already a “green” painter in Indiana, where he was born in 1918, he arrived in Europe in 1946, first in Paris and on the French Riviera and then, in 1955, in booming Milan, to be discovered and appreciated primarily by Peggy Guggenheim.


With her book recently published by Rizzoli, Nika Zupanc, Slovenian and one of the most interesting designers of the last decade, has consecrated an unpredictable but consistent path to being a woman, turning male prejudices and symbols of femininity into icons. Which for her rhymes with freedom. Beautiful and proudly feminine, she tried her hand at common objects by treating them in pink, decorating them with bows, hearts, flowers, scallops, and other ironic frivolities while keeping the rigor of design constant in a continuous oxymoron.  The book "Nika Zupanc: Breaking The Rules" chronicles her dazzling career and her eclectic and gently provocative vision. Superstudio witnessed her debut during Design Weeks 2009 and 2010 by welcoming her into its Doll Houses with the elegant and surprising collections that contained them. The excerpt from the interview below (published in our edited book "Design Super Show") was already an inspiring invitation to follow her path. The continuation of the story is in the best bookstores


Laura Dimitrio has recently published her latest work entitled NON SOLO KIMONO. Edited by Skira this book has been written by a very committed scholar into the study of fashion. A major text with numerous reference points and sources to understand how traditional and then contemporary garments have influenced Italian fashion...

In the 60/70s, I was the Art Director of Vogue Italia, always aiming for the next level, even beyond the fashion world. I was always present at the fashion shows in Rome, Milan, Paris, mainly. In almost every case, I experienced and saw the beginning of and the journey to success of the stylists who later became icons for the fashion of the time. In Paris, I had been following Kenzo, Issey Miyake, Yoshi Yamamoto since their debut on the fashion catwalks. Then, I also became friends with them.
Only after Kenzo hosted me and Giella in Hiseij...


The beautiful book NON SOLO KIMONO. HOW JAPAN HAS REVOLVED ITALIAN FASHION by Laura Dimitrio, published by Skira, recounts the interesting four-century-long story of Japanese influence entering into the costume of Italy, starting with the kimono and ending with the new-pop launched by manga. The presentation will take place on April 12th in the atelier of the fashion-art museum FlavioLucchiniArt where the author, Laura Dimitrio, will meet Gisella Borioli who, as a journalist, was the first to support the Japanese "nouvelle Vague" in the 1980s with her cult magazine DONNA...

"My interest in Japanese influences on the Italian fashion began several years ago, during my MA History of Art Dissertation. I chose to study the sketches designed by the Milanese painter Giuseppe Palanti for the costumes of the first performance of Madama Butterfly, which debuted at La Scala in Milan in 1904...


Three women – three versatile journalists – put into writing the history of the legendary Fuorisalone in three similar but different books. Through the memories, the images and the contributions of the protagonists, Gilda Bojardi Gisella Borioli and Roberta Mutti illustrate (each in her own way) the changes in Milan when design disseminated as a popular, fun and imaginative art form in the heart of the city. Milan has thus become the world's design capital: unique, much imitated, but never equalled...

There is no doubt that Fuorisalone is closely related to the creativity, the initiatives, and the risk-taking attitude of a bunch of Milanese women who started a game that in the end became harder than any initial predictions...

Posted by: Silvia Zanni

This November, BookCity turns ten! The long-awaited event by the community of bibliophiles, passionate readers and mere curious people will disseminate through the city its agenda of unmissable events. Among these there is Salone della Cultura, which will be hosted at Superstudio Maxi on 20 and 21 November, as well as a series of dialogues with many authors animating the rooms of Mudec’s Auditorium and of  Spazio delle Culture...

18/11/2021 5.00 pm
Among the many initiatives of BookCity, we cannot ignore the debate – held at Mudec – Così come siamo. Donne che si prendono per mano...



To Ettore Mocchetti, historical director (for forty years!) Of AD, the prestigious magazine of the Italian Condé Nast, the task of introducing the presence of the Oblong gallery and its artists at Superstudio with the exhibition "Surprise! Art tells ", of which he is the curator.

When Emanuela Venturini and Paola Marucci, volcanic owners of Oblong Contemporary Art Gallery with Art Galleries in Dubai and Forte dei Marmi, approached me and asked me to take care of Superstudio Più during the days of the next Fuorisalone taking place in Milan - in this period, I would rather call it “The Recovery” Salone - an exhibition of contemporary sculpture and painting, I immediately asked myself: why me? Is it because of the friendship that has binded us for so many years. Or is there more, maybe some of my concepts of interior design conceived (also) as a "stage for the arts"? And then, why a display of artists of the caliber of Stefano Bombardieri and Flavio Lucchini, to name just a few, who act as a precious corollary of a great event entirely focused on furniture design? ...


The book-catalogue of Skira published on the occasion of the exhibition 1000 Vases curated by Francesco Pirrello at Superstudio Più in September, is the proof of how much creativity is a transversal language throughout the world. The variety of proposals around a single object is of great interest for what it shows and what it implies.

One thousand vases. How not to smile and at the same time feel pleasure in seeing that in the world there are always moltitudes of creatives who devote so much of their time to make something that their imagination induces them or compels them to do?  The “vase” theme already seems to limit the field a lot. The book 1000 vases curated by Pierpaolo Pitacco seems to me an excellent opportunity to reflect on the art and artists of today and yesterday...


A well-known art dealer who is also an artist, writer, producer, musician, videomaker and Reiki and Tai Chi master. A graphic designer, illustrator, art-director, versatile conceptual and 3D artist, who was also lucky enough to meet Flavio Lucchini in his youth and become artistic director of his cult Mondo Uomo magazine and others. Authors experiment together with the relationship between image and word. Maurizio Zorat designs robots, Giorgio Cardazzo contrasts mirror short stories, which maybe have something to do with them or maybe not. Published by GArt Edizioni Milano, Mind Blown is part of a numbered art books collection.

In these days I received the latest book from a dear friend of mine, who was also my student in the editorial office. The title is: Mind Blown. Authors are two. Tales by Giorgio Cardazzo. Works by Maurizio Zorat. A volume different from the usual ones, which brings together two opposite and complementary feelings...


Superstudio Group's editorial activity is a small but important area complementing all the group's activities. Among books, catalogues and artist notebooks related to our world and other publications for third parties, the catalog edited or curated by our creative team is often enriched. Original, unusual, limited edition volumes ranging from art, image, design, creativity, not easy to find, except through our direct supply. Rare or off-the-print editions that we have decided to reserve for our community of beauty lovers. After the first others will follow.

We are pleased to announce we’ve opened a showcase on where DESIGN SUPER SHOW- 2000/2021 evolution and mise-en-scène of design at Superstudio in Milan...


The newspaper article this morning on Il Giornale, written by Pamela Dell’Orto, was a nice surprise that delighted the author, collaborators and the whole Superstudio team. Not only for the pleasure of seeing recognized the commitment of Superstudio Group active in Milan for almost forty years and the titanic work behind the book’s achievement telling an aspect of it, DESIGN SUPER SHOW, but also for the precision, carefulness, curiosity that shines through the entire article with many quotes by top designers welcomed and many references to the most significant moments in Superstudio's life. It now develops on three poles: Superstudio 13, legendary photographic studios and facilities for fashion and image founded in 1983, Superstudio Più, multifunctional hub hosting design, fashion, art, innovation in general since 2000, and the latest Superstudio Maxi...


The Superstudio book, conceived and created by Gisella Borioli officially comes out on February 1st to remember not only twenty years since the opening of Superstudio Più, great multicultural and exhibition center in Via Tortona, Milan, but above all the contribution it has made to the development of  Fuorisalone in the districts and the change in design representation, switching from the product to the culture and research behind the product itself.
"DESIGN SUPER SHOW-2000/2020 evolution and mise-en-scène of design at Superstudio in Milan" is at the same time a first-person diary and a review by several (authoritative) voices of this transformation that has led us into the future...


A book like this on Fiorucci had never been seen before. An incredible story that comes from a small group of people who lived in synergy and symbiosis, in years where everything seemed possible, around an extraordinary man, a pioneer and forerunner of trends, so far ahead that still today he is a source of inspiration. 
Franco Marabelli lived the most exciting era with Elio, taking every idea and contributing decisively to every project, especially to legendary shops around the world. Thus the modern concept store was born...

A meticulous archive work and finally the book "Caro Elio" published by Rizzoli...


In this book wanted for love by Franco Marabelli, friend-collaborator right from the first hour, there is the whole man, his life, his history, his ideas, his world told by a hundred friends. A world that represents the beginning of fashion and modernity. Caro Elio, edited by Franco Marabelli, published by Rizzoli, is already in the bookstore.

Finally I received the magnificent book on Fiorucci by Franco Marabelli, brilliantly laid out by Pier Paolo Pitacco, with the collaboration of Franca Soncini. And it was like going back, in a moment I was among friends of the 60s/70s/80s catapulted by a time machine able to bring back emotions, challenges, fun, the energy of years that to tell them today we hardly believed it. Relationship, meetings, faces, people, eccentric personalities, visionaries...


The restart after the lockdown makes you think about the fate that suddenly forces you to change direction and, often, life. Here we repropose an extraordinary story with an autobiographical book and film. That of Flavio Lucchini, president of Superstudio Group who, as Oliviero Toscani said "was the real creator of the birth of made in Italy".

It is difficult to imagine that that boy born in the Mantuan countryside, raised in the difficulties of the war and probably destined to be a farmer like the whole family - but with that unusual ability to know how to draw very well and to be passionate about art and architecture - could find his way in a completely different world, that of fashion, creating the most important newspapers and raising the most famous designers. The final goal of his long and varied path is Superstudio, founded a long time ago, in a certain sense the sum of his interests, after having been with equal success teacher art-director journalist editor entrepreneur and simultaneously, for the past thirty years, artist who investigates the mysteries of fashion in order to give it a sort of eternity...


For the architect Massimo Roj founder of PROGETTO CMR, an Integrated Engineering company, and his band (with Marco Ferrario and Antonella Mantica) certainly yes. And also for the curator Fortunato D'Amico with whom he created a surprising book entitled Rocktecture, a neologism that brings back to the surface the influence that revolutionary music had on the young students of polytechnics of the ‘70 and on all the culture of the years to come. And it prompted them to forget the teachings of their famous masters to venture on the path of an innovative and breaking architecture.
Rocktecture has nothing to do with the books illustrating the latest buildings and urban solutions of the archistars, they emphasize, and often exalt, the constructive and technical characteristics, they browse through rigorous pages and impeccable images....


Extremely reserved, unreachable, even algid: who is actually Giorgio Armani? The new book by Tony di Corcia published by Cairo Editore, tries to answer this question by interviewing journalists, fashion designers and important figures of culture, top models, actresses, going through the steps of an extraordinary existence that begins with its own brand in 1975 that then originated an international empire. On the fashion designer’s 85th birthday (11th July), Superstudio hosted the first preview of the presentation of the book that according to the author’s will, concentrates on the man, narrating Giò’s (as his mother Maria used to call him) childhood, fondness, friendships, personalities, feelings...


"Man on the Moon” exhibition will be the protagonist in June, it recalls the Ghost Book theme, a new editorial and multimedia project on Italian art photography, founded by Giorgio Racca. Pier Paolo Pitacco, art-director and well-known artist at Superstudio for his numerous collaborations, in charge of graphics and contents explains: “Ghost presents original and uncommon stories, alternating great names and emerging young ones. The number 5 volume, just like the exhibition, is indeed dedicated to the 50th anniversary since the Moon landing. About ten authors describe their personal vision of the satellite with their photographs. An evocative and fascinating exhibition and a step to create a community that shares research of quality and that finds itself in a class publication”. 


Over 35.000 visitors in 48 hours. This was the surprising number of the “Salone della Cultura” last edition that is back again this year at Superstudio Più, on the 20th and 21st January. A landmark for those who love books and general culture, the Fair proposes educational courses and labs dedicated to the creation of paper jewellery and “sculpture books”. For art lovers, the possibility to see, for the first time in Milan, the exhibition of the portraitist photographer Ghitta Carrell, organised by Fondazione 3M, and the silk-screen printings by Emilio Isgrò, as well as young talents’ photography exhibition. Within the creator’s idea by Matteo Luterani of Luni Editrice and Sergio Malavasi of Maremagnum, the book remains still the main presence with new editorial proposals side by side with ancient and precious books, according to the consolidated format that made the Milanese public in love.