Superstudio Group's editorial activity is a small but important area complementing all the group's activities. Among books, catalogues and artist notebooks related to our world and other publications for third parties, the catalog edited or curated by our creative team is often enriched. Original, unusual, limited edition volumes ranging from art, image, design, creativity, not easy to find, except through our direct supply. Rare or off-the-print editions that we have decided to reserve for our community of beauty lovers. After the first others will follow.
We are pleased to announce we’ve opened a showcase on where DESIGN SUPER SHOW- 2000/2021 evolution and mise-en-scène of design at Superstudio in Milan, the latest book by Gisella Borioli with the graphic concept of Flavio Lucchini, is already on sale. Design as no one had told it yet: 520 pages, 750 illustrations, 70 meetings with great international protagonists showing the transformation of design in the last twenty years and glancing at the future.
Cover price 45 €. The proceeds will be entirely donated to the non-profit flaviolucchiniart association to support the Autistic/Artistic project, an attitudinal training reserved for “special needs” people.