We are pleased to confirm to our exhibitors, suppliers, collaborators, visitors, journalists, communicators, fans and friends that Superdesign Show 2022 will be, as always, the highlight of the Tortona District and of the Milan Design Week in the city with its load of novelty and innovation. The appointment is from June 6 to 12 (with the open day reserved to the press on June 5 from 3 pm)...
SUPERDESIGN SHOW 2022 at the SUPERSTUDIO PIÙ will be the protagonist of the renewal and revival of the energy of Design presentations...
Three women – three versatile journalists – put into writing the history of the legendary Fuorisalone in three similar but different books. Through the memories, the images and the contributions of the protagonists, Gilda Bojardi Gisella Borioli and Roberta Mutti illustrate (each in her own way) the changes in Milan when design disseminated as a popular, fun and imaginative art form in the heart of the city. Milan has thus become the world's design capital: unique, much imitated, but never equalled...
There is no doubt that Fuorisalone is closely related to the creativity, the initiatives, and the risk-taking attitude of a bunch of Milanese women who started a game that in the end became harder than any initial predictions...
A video-story tells the long, unprecedented, unusual, unconventional collaboration between the great photographer Giovanni Gastel, who recently passed away, and the founding couple of Superstudio Lucchini-Borioli since the time when they were editors-directors of cult magazines in the 1980s. Donna e Mondo Uomo. A video-photographic exhibition to rediscover Gastel's eclecticism, path and maturation to which they contributed...
The newspaper article this morning on Il Giornale, written by Pamela Dell’Orto, was a nice surprise that delighted the author, collaborators and the whole Superstudio team. Not only for the pleasure of seeing recognized the commitment of Superstudio Group active in Milan for almost forty years and the titanic work behind the book’s achievement telling an aspect of it, DESIGN SUPER SHOW, but also for the precision, carefulness, curiosity that shines through the entire article with many quotes by top designers welcomed and many references to the most significant moments in Superstudio's life. It now develops on three poles: Superstudio 13, legendary photographic studios and facilities for fashion and image founded in 1983, Superstudio Più, multifunctional hub hosting design, fashion, art, innovation in general since 2000, and the latest Superstudio Maxi...
“Courage, vision, luck, commitment, love, friendship, sharing, experience, spontaneity, interest for fashion, art, design and all kinds of innovation are keywords that have brought us this far. Milan thanked us by transforming itself also thanks to this impulse.
20+20+20 and beyond: this is my wish forty years from the arrival in zone 6 and from the first Superstudio in via Forcella, twenty years from the second Superstudio in via Tortona. With the wish of other twenty years of success at the third Superstudio just opened in via Moncucco to bring culture to suburbs. Three strong points of the city created with the same passion with the same passion.”
Gisella Borioli,
founder and CEO of Superstudio Group
Kenzo’s passing is not only that of Covid last known victim, but of a man who, since the ‘70s, has really brought fashion towards a more intercultural, free and democratic horizon. Flavio Lucchini knew him then and so in his autobiographical book IL DESTINO he tells us about him behind the scenes. In the chapter dedicated to him the memory of a collaboration and a friendship that has left its mark.
I’m in Dubai, it’s January 2018 but it’s less hot than expected. My daughter who has been living here for four years has done me a kindness. She gave me a black cardigan because it gets chilly at night. The cardigan is designed by Kenzo, she knew I would like it. My mind went backwards and in a flash I saw and lived again many years back, starting from when I met him in 1970 in Paris...
On the occasion of Milan Design City, from September 28th to October 10th, four webdocs describe different creative realities and their strength to react and rise again. A project created by Design Resistenza, movement based on the need to share what the design industry experienced during the days of covid emergency.
The first video is dedicated to Superstudio and its undisputed soul, Gisella Borioli.
40 years ago, in March 1980, Donna was born, the magazine that renewed fashion publishing and became Vogue's most formidable antagonist, and would have been for many years to come. The story tells that in 1963 the designer and art director of an innovative and prestigious Vogue Italia was Flavio Lucchini, the same who 17 years later would have created the new magazine, once again able to revolutionize the image and communication of fashion itself.
This is the memory of the editorial adventure that generated Donna, an unforgettable magazine published by Edimoda (Rizzoli Group/Corriere Della Sera and later Rusconi) that spoke of new fashion, new ways, new worlds with an avant-garde cut that would make it contemporary even today. Its startling covers, always different, always provocative and punctual, highlighting the new Made in Italy (but not only). And other preferably Italian talents. The collaborators are stellar: front-page journalists, writers, intellectuals, sociologists, artists. Very talented photographers, from Oliviero Toscani to other future stars such as Giovanni Gastel, Fabrizio Ferri, Paolo Roversi…
Today should have been the first official opening day of Salone 2020, with the corollary of Fuorisalone in the city and Superdesign Show at Superstudio. We miss immensely the Milan Design Week, the beneficial tsunami of creativity, the excitement, the curiosity, the sociality, the beauty, the innovation, the vision, the whole world that, for a week, were the life of it. Let’s try to feel again the atmosphere with this 2018 short interview for Sky TG24 to Gisella Borioli, project leader of Superdesign Show. The event is postponed in exactly a year.
Watch the Sky TG24 video
Dear Giorgio,
I remember like you when fashion, a small and little considered thing in Italy, began to grow and become a beautiful, big, ours, serious thing, which brought into play all hopes and creativity. We have seen it transform and create the made in Italy and we have given it the best. We, Flavio and me and our collaborators, from the magazines we gradually created and directed, Vogue, L'Uomo Vogue, Donna, Mondo Uomo, Moda... You, first with Sergio who we are still missing, and then with all the others your excellent first-time collaborators, Rosanna, Leo, Silvana, Irene, Giovanna and many others. You never stopped. Since you were already appreciated as an assistant of Nino Cerruti, and then from those few rooms in Corso Venezia that saw your first fashion show, to the already important venue in via Durini, up to your empire ...
We are all fine, with our hearts gripped by anguish every time news of the evolution of this terrible health situation reaches us. The world is locked, it's not know up to when. The hope and the desire to get back to life as usual keep us active, busy, focused, open to the new possibilities that the incredible reality that surrounds us today has shown us: forcing us to reinvent our lives and remodulate the scale of values. Family, affection, love in the first place. And consequently the house, rediscovered as the shelter that does not betray. Then, in random order, the work we have learned can be done on the couch, on a bench, on vacation, without fixed hours and physical chains, but mental stimulation only. Studies, which don’t take you away from teachers and classmates, only you see them in two dimensions, on the screen. Friends ...
Smart working, future projects, a book about the 20 years of design at Superstudio,…
Gisella Borioli tells her story in a video for Design Resistance, a movement that stems from the need to share and tell what the design sector is experiencing in these difficult days.
From "Progetto CMR - Massimo Roj Architects" YouTube Channel:
Gisella Borioli sent us her thoughts which we share. An opportunity to stay focused and to imagine a different way of working and experiencing the city and work.
Watch the full video: https://youtu.be/ha4aRPRJXJU
Honestly, I too believe that once this health emergency is over (but will it ever really end?) we will all be more vulnerable and in danger. We have understood that it is not only the third world war, already touched on several times to threaten us.
Nor is Islamic and international terrorism frightening us.
Nor the delinquency that they tell us in decrease but that when it touches you it still terrifies you.
Nor the mass invasions of the world's poor who flee from impossible countries.
Nor the "climate change" with all the dark and real threats brought back to consciousness by Greta Thunberg.
Nor the coronavirus that an unheard Bill Gates had predicted four years ago and that only now goes around the net.
Nor the unstoppable drought that burns lives, the devastating Australian fires, the tsunamis that sweep everything under a wave ...
Despite the crisis, despite the uncertainty, despite the fear, we continue to believe that the appointment with Design in Milan will be - whenever it is - a moment of redemption, trust, beauty, progress, sociality. We are working to return at the beginning of summer with a renewed, sparkling and exciting Superdesign Show, together with the districts of Milan and the Salone. But also ready to propose real and virtual innovations that will make our event even more interesting and irreplaceable. With the presence of large global brands that are wondering about life and the environment. With a stroll through the cultured and technological proposals of the contemporary East. With an endless roundup of young international designers. With a special on Women Designers in the year dedicated to female creativity. With Supercampus ...