We are pleased to confirm to our exhibitors, suppliers, collaborators, visitors, journalists, communicators, fans and friends that Superdesign Show 2022 will be, as always, the highlight of the Tortona District and of the Milan Design Week in the city with its load of novelty and innovation. The appointment is from June 6 to 12 (with the open day reserved to the press on June 5 from 3 pm)...
SUPERDESIGN SHOW 2022 at the SUPERSTUDIO PIÙ will be the protagonist of the renewal and revival of the energy of Design presentations...
Refinanced with 2.8 millions the contribute for the participation to international fairs, Superdesign Show is recognized as one and gives you the possibility to access the funds. Discover how.
The september special edition of Superdesign Show is just over and it was a success, with the participation of big brands such as Lamborghini and Haier, with the thematic exhibitions diplaying the best of Made in Italy's innovation but also with the presence of small and medium sized exhibitors.
Despite the numerous presences and more than 30.000 registered visitors, the two-years stop has affected pretty much the smaller and weaker companies: for this reason the Lombardy Regional Government has decided to refinance the contribution for small and medium sized enterprises in order to facilitate the participation to international fairs, a status that Superdesign Show earned few years ago...
Yesterday morning at Triennale there was a really super conference that brought together representatives of Triennale, Fiera di Milano, Salone del Mobile, FederlegnoArredo, Adi Design Museum - Compasso d’Oro, Fuorisalone network, Camera della Moda, Regione Lombardia, Federalberghi to talk about the future of Milan as a resilient design capital. But above all, they talked about Milan Design Week of September 2021, hastily born to give a signal of rebirth, which is becoming a moment of solidarity and collective creativity. The moment when Supersalone (as it was renamed on the occasion of Salone del Mobile), Triennale (turning into urban outpost of the Salone), projects of Fuorisalone (with Superstudio and all other operators) will be giving a sign of tangible renewal of projects and relationships...
Among the main themes hosted during the next Milan Design Week 2021, we highlight the flagship event D&D – Donne & Design, aligned to the recognition of the value of Women’s creativity in many fields and, particularly, in design, architecture, art, where well-known names and less-known but very talented protagonists excel.
In a group exhibition organized in individual areas, Women will be in the foreground, with their stories, their careers, their recent projects and of course with evidence of the companies they collaborate with and that support their attendance to the exhibition.
A shared, high-impact exhibition, a specific communication campaign, a broad-spectrum media coverage, btob and btoc moments of meeting, talks and physical and digital specific presentations and much more will be the frame of the event...
The extraordinary edition of the next MILANO DESIGN WEEK from September 4th to 10th is approaching! Now it’s time to register to participate in Superdesign Show Special Edition September 2021. A not-to-miss appointment in the locations of Superstudio Più and Superstudio Maxi that is also going to inaugurate its incredible new space.Ten themes and their curators will be presented with a new format described in this video.
For many people, September is the beginning of the new year (academic year, working year, project year…) characterized by energies coming from the holiday period that push ideas forward. For Milan it is the month that sees the full recovery of many activities and above all the return of the most important event: that loved, international Milan Design Week showcase of creativity, business, culture, research, progress, vision, planning, future...
After the long stop that blocked the Milan Design week in April 2020 and 2021, the city and all its activities will restart in September with renewed enthusiasm. Superstudio will present an edition of rebirth, of change, of a new format, of Made in Italy, of the glance on new world horizons, of thematic and curatorial exhibitions, of Women, of human technology, of digital and virtual. Applications are still open.
By call, by invitation, by request and selection, projects that Superstudio Più will host during the Design Week 2021 in September explore thorny issues of everyday life, encourage progress and imagination. Each Project represents a theme, each theme an idea, each idea has a well-known and competent curator. Here are the first projects that, as in a museum exhibition, are in progress. There are so many but they’re not all: we are waiting for yours to give them the value and visibility they deserve...
Salone and the associated Fuorisalone, moved to September, seemed a certainty, thanks to the improved health situation and Fairs opening. But no. The Salone hangs in the balance. And what about Fuorisalone? Maybe it’s time to strengthen Design in the City, regardless of the Fair. Even with a new name to emphasize a new identity.
Almost every day a fluctuating statement on destinies of the Salone del Mobile in Milan, traditionally in April, which due to the pandemic has already "skipped" two editions, 2020 and 2021, assuming (until yesterday) a certain recovery this coming September from 5 to 10. A date painfully achieved by the dialogue between Federarredo and Cosmit, Salone del Mobile organising bodies, with Draghi Government which had to ensure the certain opening of Fairs prior to that date and with the willingness of the most important companies to be present in the renaissance Fair...
In the midst of what should have been Milan Design Week, the week event that has always made Milan the undisputed capital of International Design, the Government announces positive and confidence signs. A commitment's collective confirmation to start again in September bravely and carefully, from institutions to politics, companies and the whole creative world. Superstudio is there, with Superdesign Show R/evolution edition.
We will have important news on the restart of international fairs soon ”, FederlegnoArredo and Salone del Mobile. Milano point out at the end of a series of meetings with Palazzo Chigi, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Economic Development Ministry, Health Ministry, Ministry of Regional Affairs, which have acquired the Government's willingness to actively support the recovery of Salone del Mobile.Milano and the whole wood-furniture industry already in the next Council of Ministers...