Thirty black-and-white works shot on film and printed in large size that are "the intimate portrait of Keila Guilarte through the faces and gestures of others" (Gisella Borioli) will be presented on Nov. 29 at the exhibition event presenting the book MI Tierra.
A sensational change in our invaded by Covid lives is reaching even the most intimate, personal, entertaining, playful spaces, those where the presence of family and friends is important. Streaming concerts and theatrical performances have already arrived. Even at Sanremo Festival, Irama, a singer quarantined in hotel, participated with his avatar, that is to say him in prior recording. With "iorestoinsala" ("istayintothevenue") format we watch first-run film by choosing our seat at the cinema complete with reserved number but illusion remains there because then you stick to a home screen. The most recent of these digital performances see us in virtual company of other guests participating at streaming-parties, streaming-dinners, streaming-birthdays, streaming-weddings, without moving a step.
Birthday flowers are sent with WhatsApp, group shots are shared on social networks, gifts are sent via amazon, wedding list is activated online, kisses travel via FaceTime...