I joined Corriere della Sera as a permanent graphic designer at the end of '59.
While the technicians with Mariolino Crespi, the publisher, were traveling around Europe to buy large rotogravure presses to replace the old ones, I was hired to make the Corriere's female, which on Dino Buzzati's instructions took the name Amica. Meanwhile, the giant rotogravure presses had been placed in the immense halls designed by Gio Ponti. They looked like trains with their associated carriages. The huge reels of paper in storage were absorbing the humidity of the new plant. No machines could be set up. The colors were always out of register. Amica came out a year late and the presses were still not right. I convinced the CEO to at least make the cover at Caprotti's in Turin, who printed it for us with the old machines with which La Domenica del Corriere used to be printed. He had bought them second-hand from the Crespi's, reassembled them and tuned them up as new. At that time the Corriere della Sera publishing house was lagging far behind technologically on everything. I pointed out that the typefaces for printing were not original and that it was time for the linotypes that made up the texts with individual lead typefaces to give way to photocomposition. The unions were against this. For the time being we began to buy the first scanners for the color department. At the technical department we were making selections of one photocolor at a time when at Elle and Paris Match they were doing twelve together in a quarter of an hour. In the editorial office I brought enlargers to typeset. I was trying every which way, but it was difficult to fit the new into an old context. Even for advertising collection they were not organized. They were used to getting requests to do ads, not looking for clients! I was an innovator, but when I think about how newspapers are made today and how digital technology has revolutionized everything, I am amazed and enchanted. And I cannot imagine a future even more technological than that.
I can only say The change imprinted by Urbano Cairo in his many roles has been fantastic and the new Amica is always a step ahead.