We all want to be children again, but no one admits it. The memory of something soft and sweet has no precise form: eyes closed in a happy moment.
Shapes and colors without rules: soap bubbles and raspberry ice cream boules, teddy bears and inflatable ducks, running after a ball and lying down on the sand. It is not a thought, but a feeling to experience when you look at YouMellow and when you sit freely. You can arrange them as you want, play with the poufs and move the supports, orienting them in a hundred ways because they are not designed for a defined position: what looks like a chaise longue might become a think tank for two. You can invent your own place to dream and change it easily. Like a puzzle, you can put them together and it’s a new square: revolution or love words. Tweaked loveseats. Gianni Arnaudo conceived them, Gugliermetto Experience produced them.