Before starting the regeneration labors of that old abandoned factory, that later would become Superstudio Maxi, Luca Gilli had already asked to follow its path with his camera. In silence and in solitude, in the frost or under the scorching sun, in the chaos of the construction site every now and then he appeared and took pictures. This resulted in works of great beauty and sensitivity where space is abstracted and becomes a work of art that will be exhibited during the Inauguration Days at Superstudio Maxi in the personal exhibition “Passaggi di Stato”, curated by Paola Sosio Contemporary Art.
I didn’t know Luca Gilli, a photographer born in 1965 and who lives in Cavriano (Reggio Emilia). I was struck by his request to photograph Superstudio Maxi when it wasn’t there yet. It was just a building of broken glass and rusty sheet metal, partly abandoned for about 20 years. His idea was to follow its transformation without even having seen the project...