We are pleased to announce that Superstudio Maxi has achieved LEED certification Gold®! This result is the direct expression of our commitment to the enhancement of the territory and the protection of the environment. The first venue for events in Europe to obtain LEED Gold® certification.
Achieving a LEED® certification is an ambitious and non-obvious goal. It represents a practical and ethical investment that involves diversified professional figures and design aspects and draws a precise path in favor of the environment and the quality of life in urban spaces. LEED® (Leader in Energy and Environmental Design) is the program by U.S. Green Building Council® for the design, construction, maintenance and operation of high performance green buildings. The protocol is based on the combination and precise evaluation of eight project areas: transport and location, site sustainability, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials and resources, quality of the internal environment, innovation, regional priority. Superstudio Maxi’s design process, that consists in conservative restoration and regeneration of an abandoned area, has responded brilliantly to the evaluation criteria of these areas, allowing us to obtain the status of the first European building dedicated to events equipped with LEED certification. Among the main green choices studied together with OGBC Studio and awarded by the LEED protocol there are the use of 100% renewable energy and the choice of the site, an outlying but emerging district of Milan, served by infrastructures characterized by places of culture and business to decongest the center, equipped with basic services at hand. The right framework to project the world of events into the future, to nourish the temporariness with responsible choices able to look to the future, to the promotion of an increasingly livable world where creativity, work, leisure are realized in an alliance with the environment.