WHY NOT?, a question written in all 42 languages of the world, invites us to wander through art, graphics, design and globalization, but above all, it speaks of courage, freedom and peace. Like all works by Daniele Cima, Why not? represents a positive, optimistic, energetic, adventurous, experimental, libertarian, progressive, colourful, courageous, vital perception. It has the value of a watchword, one could consider it the slogan of an underground movement that is not afraid of change and at the same time opposes the neo-prohibitionist culture that is imposing on itself. Why not? is an escape from the single mindset, a cultural solicitation addressed to those who recognize themselves as the most open, active and dynamic part of society, an invitation to indulge personal transgressive, experimental, curious, unprejudiced, undisciplined nature, to reject the laziness of routine. Also original is the idea of their distribution: the works on show are not for sale but offered for temporary rent.