"Al Femminile" describes the extraordinary figure and work of Aldo Pallanza who from 1946 to 2013 has been working with passion and singular imaginative power in the creation of footwear, worn by thousands of women all over the world, including no less than Sophia Loren. A true designer - in truth the Italy of the time did not attribute anything to him other than the qualification of "modelist" - but also an innovator, technician, almost inventor, certainly an experimenter of materials, shapes and aesthetic interpretations linked to an accessory that can and i must be much more than a simple detail in the configuration of the woman's style.
About forty works on display cover Pallanza's style DNA, but above all they underline his growing path from luxury footwear designer to abstract "art designer", which includes the use of original techniques and materials, never utilized before in this field creative. In the selection of the works on display, Fortunato D'Amico identifies real cycles of pictorial production: the city, the fantastic, the myth, light, nature, geometric and material abstractionism, three-dimensionality. Particular attention, however, is dedicated to the “feminine” which appears starting from the ‘90s. It is the same elegant and elusive woman for whom the designer/artist has been creating refined footwear who appears and disappears in the aesthetic representations. Delicacy, mystery, the “unreachable”, search for beauty are the coordinates within which Pallanza places her figures, always keeping in mind the evolution of the role of women in society, in harmony with constant cultural, but also political, social and civil developments.
“Aldo Pallanza.
“Al Femminile”
Curatorship by Fortunato D'Amico
MyOwnGallery – Superstudio PiùVia Tortona 27 bis – 20144 Milan
From 17 to 27 November 2022
From 10.00 to 20.00
Free admission
Press Office: Manzoni 22 - Camilla Palma
camilla.palma@manzoni22 - +39 347 0420386