Without going into the merits and judgment of the hosted parties, Superstudio has accepted the request to present the agendas of the Third Pole, with leaders Carlo Calenda of Azione and Matteo Renzi of Italia Viva, on Sept. 2 from 6 p.m.The September 25th polls, born out of the mess of the composition of the last government and the sudden and unexpected fall of Prime Minister Mario Draghi, until a moment before the savior of the country and a representative esteemed by all (or almost all) of the Italian and international community left Italians in bewilderment and uncertainty.
In 2009/2010 the Taliban in Afghanistan seemed a danger removed, and the more evolved women were included in a new society where they could study, work, move and dress as they wished. The obscurantism of the burqa seemed to be buried. Forever. Instead…
The cover of DRepubblica of February the 5th dramatically invites us not to forget what is happening now, after the first indignant reactions of the West. With the usual prophetic eye that looks beyond the present, through the lens of art, ten years ago Flavio Lucchini reflected on that burqa heritage of the past...