Posted by: Giorgio Re

… In MyOwnGallery, the concept art space of Superstudio Più, in Via Tortona 27, in Milan. From 20 to 25 October Francesca Agrati offers a selection of 25 unpublished works, collected under this title, deliberately almost an oxymoron, created from 2018 to today. Only portraits, and all of them female, which define a sort of pop-phantasmagoric-surreal journey, entrusted to the observer to engage in the research and discovery of identity, personality and varied humanity. Even with irony and the ability/will to play down.

Posted by: Giorgio Re

The 58th edition of 'Wildlife Photographer of the Year' opens, the concluding moment of the competition organised by London's Natural History Museum. For the first time hosted in the Hangar 21 space at Superstudio Più, in Via Tortona. The exhibition open to the public from 29 September to 31 December 2003, with a hi-tech display, enhances the artistic value and content of the hundred images. Not to be missed for any reason.

 | ART
Posted by: Giorgio Re

“Colorful”: it is the event that the FLA-FlavioLucchiniArt Museum is proposing as an extraordinary opening on the occasion of the 19th “Giornata del Contemporaneo”, scheduled in Milan, Saturday 7 October, when the museum itself will inaugurate a new space inside, “The Lab”, intended to host temporary exhibitions of young artists and creatives.

Posted by: Giorgio Re

The volume "The design of the Italian fabric" has recently been released, published by Marsilio, in which Vittorio Linfante, professor of Fashion Design, Branding and Communication at the Milan Polytechnic, and the iconographer Massimo Zanella have chosen to tell "in freedom ” the story of fabrics that are perhaps the first ingredient of our fashion… and much more.

Posted by: Giorgio Re

Roberto Monelli, the 1957 born architect, journalist, publicist and copywriter tells it in his latest book “Tortona Solari. Milan in un quartiere”, published by Mursia. The work, created in collaboration with the Museolab6 association, was recently presented at the BASE cultural center. We can speak of a real guide, designed to create attention and curiosity in the reader for an area that has undergone numerous changes, perhaps among the most interesting and incisive of those that Milan has experienced from over a century ago to today. Individual episodes that create a map: the author moves through areas, streets, from house number to house number with the care and interest of a historian, the precision of a topographer/cartographer, even of a detective. Data, facts, anecdotes abound, some well known, others almost unknown to most, but no less engaging or less thoroughly investigated.

 | ART
Posted by: Giorgio Re

… created by a group of students from the Tourism, Management and Culture Course at IULM, entrusted to Professor Manuela De Carlo, as part of the “Destination Management” workshop held by Professor Giuliano Gaia and resulting from a project by MuseoCity. The desired result was achieved thanks to fourteen teams of students who "explored" with video and photographic images as many museums, artist archives and cultural associations. Starting input and common thread that bind the visual documentations to each other: to make known the hidden beauty in the many, small/large "places" in which it becomes indeed art, culture, history, but also technology. The team which chose to narrate FlavioLucchiniArt Museum has created a sort of immediate, fast but exhaustive virtual path, set up with agility that winds through the labyrinthine spaces totally dedicated to the artist's work, inside SuperstudioPiù, at Via Tortona 27. Guiding and supporting this "speed tour" are the Gisella Borioli’s word - curator of the museum, co-founder with Lucchini himself of the hub, heart of the Tortona District, where art, design and culture have been at home for forty years – which punctuate the video and clarify the interpretation of fashion by Flavio Lucchini "... an extemporaneous fact, a cultural datum, a means of expressing oneself".

Posted by: Giorgio Re

... Further confirmation of this is the presence of numerous artworks by Flavio Lucchini in the brand newGiorgetti Store - The Place located in Via Spiga 31, in Milan, which - thanks to the precious and constant collaboration of the Oblong Contemporary Art Gallery and its "feminine minds", Paola Marucci and EmanuelaVenturini - dedicates an entire floor of the prestigious and refined location to the artist's creations. The creator of the display project is the architect Giancarlo Bosio, Art Director of Giorgetti. We speak of an "elective affinity", to quote Goethe: winning, interesting, excellent. Not from today, of course.

 | ART
Posted by: Giorgio Re

Two dark, large, deep, attentive female eyes, accentuated by a mass of equally dark hair that falls free alongside an imaginary face: this is the interpretation that Flavio Lucchini offers, in the context of the collective art project "Vision 47”, to two textile armchairs from the Pila 47 series, conceived by product designers Paolo Emanuele Nava and Luca Maria Arosio and made by Rubelli.

Posted by: Giorgio Re

A new volume, published by Rizzoli for Mondadori Electa, tells the story of the "gardener of fashion" and, in truth, not only of fashion: the American Ken Scott, who has been an eclectic character, an all-round creative and artist, fashion designer, creator of fabrics for clothing as well as for furnishings, painter, gardener, even writer.Scott certainly anticipates flower power by at least fifteen years, in more sophisticated and exclusive expressions. He is a free and curious spirit, almost a "global" genius of our Renaissance. Already a “green” painter in Indiana, where he was born in 1918, he arrived in Europe in 1946, first in Paris and on the French Riviera and then, in 1955, in booming Milan, to be discovered and appreciated primarily by Peggy Guggenheim.

Posted by: Giorgio Re

It’s running strong the most stunning exhibition of the moment has a presentation facing the street thanks to hundreds of technicolor balloons which seem to want to submerge the iconic PopDolls sculptures by Flavio Lucchini, in a perfect match of colours. All that takes place in the Art Box, a real "showcase" of Superstudio Più, in Via Tortona 27 in Milan, the open minded cultural hub always open in its multi-tasking spaces to events of different spirit and inspiration. The Art Box set-up is the welcome and presentation ticket for the "Pop Air" exhibition, organized by the "Balloon Museum" and dedicated to "inflatable art", which had an enormously successful première in Paris and a first Italian debut , equally striking, in Rome, and which now arrives in Milan, right in the 7,000 sqm exhibition space of Superstudio in the heart of the Tortona District, from 23 December 2022 to 12 February 2023. Entirely instagrammable, this is the most "social" exhibition at the turn of the year.


Open doors to tourism...

Posted by: Giorgio Re

… at the Flavio Lucchini Art Museum. On Sunday 20 November, the museum space inside Supersudio Più hosted a meeting of NEOS, the international of "travel" journalists and photographers. The place of art thus reconfirms its heterogeneous and articulated, vocation, as a meeting place, for discussion, for hospitality for anyone who dedicates his professional commitment to discovery and exploration, in the name of knowledge, culture and, last but not least, beauty.

Founded in 1998, NEOS joins  journalists and photojournalists specialized in travel reporting, in a highly articulated logic that includes environment, anthropology, adventure, culture, food, society, tourism. Particularly active in the field of travel publishing, the association offers: creation of travel specials, as well as magazines, guides and books, travel presentation with the support of images and videos; organization of phoographic exhibitions and dedicated events, workshops dedicated to storytelling and travel photography and much more.

Posted by: Giorgio Re

In a spirit of coherence of intentions, themes and art proposals, Superstudio gives once again voice and visibility to the "female subject" as well as  to her essence, to the problems she has to face in the contemporary world, but also to the timeless glamour and the potential for fascination connected with its identity. The next representation of this dimension is offered by “Aldo Pallanza. Al femmiinile”, the exhibition curated by Fortunato d'Amico, scheduled from 17 to 27 November,  thefirst one personal exposition in Milan dedicated to the creator/designer/artist from Vigevano, which also becomes an occasion of celebration of the centenary of his birth.


 | ART
Posted by: Giorgio Re

After the debut at Superstudio Village "Art against violence - World with Women", an exhibition of interactive contemporary art made in Ukraine is going to move from 12 to 17 November to the Villa Reale in Monza, with all its emotional fullness, the horrors of war, memories and hopes expressed by photographs, paintings, installations, performances. A great part of the involved artists are women, the first victims of violence, who responded with powerful and, at times, poetic images and visions. Not to be missed.

 The exhibition curated by Giorgio Grasso is part of the "Ukrainian Art in Italy" project, conceived  by the associations VITAUK, Let's Do It Ukraine and Let's Do Italy, which, as mentioned, has already been proposed  - as an absolute preview in Italy -  the first week of last October at the Superstudio Village at Via Negrotto in Milan, a space which is going to become our fourth hub in the city, hosting Ukrainian refugees with their children since the beginning of the conflict. It was a significant and intense week, in which the exhibition of works by contemporary Ukrainian artists was connected with moments dedicated to fashion, prose and poetry, music and testimonies on what we want to define "open wounds" even today, nine months after the outbreak of hostilities.

Posted by: GIORGIO RE

Friday 21, Saturday 22, Sunday 23 October 2022: three days of extra opening at the FLA - Flavio LucchiniArt Museum, a permanent exhibition space within Superstudio Più, on the occasion of "MuseoCity - InTour" and "ApritiModa", already well-run events, conceived to show to everybody all art, fashion and design spaces, therefore culture and creativity spaces, located in our cities and in Milan in aparticular way.

Evaluations? At least a total of 200 visitors forming a truly heterogeneous audience, with a significant presence of young people, but also of families. The youngest of all: Damiano, ten years old, who "accompanied his mother", as he himself was keen to point out and who, letting himself be involved little by little, was finally very pleased: "But this sir is so talented!".

Posted by: Giorgio Re motion.
The plastic one, proper to Flavio Lucchini's artistic vision, and that of the images of the interesting "total effect" reel made by MuseoCity on the occasion of the "In Tour" event, edition 2022 - scheduled from October 21 to 23 not only in Milan but also in other, numerous Lombardy locations - which sees FlavioLucchiniArt Museum present in as many as two of the 13 itineraries included in the program.

Posted by: Giorgio Re

Both. That's the unmistakable answer provided by Egyptian filmmaker Ali Ali's photo exhibition "Rockin' Mamas," offered at Superstudio Più's art gallery from Oct. 13 to 18. The reason for this thesis is perfectly clear: "White nights made of excess and unruliness: today, the real rock stars do not perform on a stage, but go on stage every day in our homes...," the director explains.

The exhibition in MyOwngallery reconfirms the attention that Superstudio's lines of thought and activities constantly pay to the feminine "living, doing and feeling" in our time and in our world, on the aesthetic and cultural as well as the ethical and social level. Superstudio's own reading of this theme is developed with great consistency, articulating itself, however, in proposals and projects that are very different from each other, always proposing original and not infrequently highly.

Posted by: Giorgio Re

… to dozens of museums in Milan and in other major Italian cities  Saturday an extraordinary opening is scheduled, Saturday 8 October from 10am to 6pm,  of the space located inside Superstudio Più, in Via Tortona 27. The occasion is given by the eighteenth "Giornata del Contemporaneo", organized by AMACI, Association of Italian Contemporary Art Museums. 

The participation of FlavioLucchiniArt Museum in the event is absolutely motivated: for intents, contents, exhibition concept, its identity is firmly placed within an articulated and continuously expanding network of institutions in which the value of contemporaneity is defined in particular by a deep interconnection between art, design and fashion, with an appeal that is becoming more and more important.

Posted by: Giorgio Re

With the fashion/art museum in the basement of Superstudio Più, doubled compared to the inauguration a year ago and a now increased exhibition surface to almost 2,000 square meters divided into 20 separate thematic areas, the non-profit association Flavio LucchiniArt invites art friends to special days to discover the great tribute to fashion in Flavio Lucchini's drawings, paintings and sculptures. Here are the next events not to be missed.

Posted by: Giorgio Re

"An extreme interpretation of oil... far from modernist digressions or rural temptations, the presentation by Farchioni - Collezione di Famiglia makes a choice of timeless style… a language of elegance which find its expression in the clear and immediate shapes both of the bottle and the packaging. Black and gold, played with decorations and graphics ..." In summary, this is the awarding judgment of Gisella Borioli, co-founder, CEO, Creative and Artistic Director of Superstudio Più, called for the second time to act as “godmother” of the "LODO Concept & Design" component, in the general framework of the award of the same name, the oldest international and professional competition which selects the best olive productions from all over the world, making known the true excellence of extra virgin olive oil at 360°.